
Showing posts from June, 2021

Typical Benefits That Colocation Services Bring For Enterprises

Businesses in the current technology-driven world are seeking the advantages that technology can offer. With a range of hosting options for servers and various software available it can be confusing to scour the muck and identify what's really good for business. Although it is a fact that each business has its unique needs, there are a few determining factors that are common with each opportunity. This is where colocation services step in. Colocation can virtually be dissected to mean "located at the same place." In the context of your business needs colocation pertains to the location of various servers at a single site in the area. - If your business is fancying outsourcing its hosting needs, colocation is the right place to start. This is a good option that ensures your vital data stays protected in an affordable way. By establishing your business's most crucial data off-site and interconnecting to a host of telecommunications and technological applications, you ge...

How To Choose A Colocation Provider – Tricks To Work On

       Choosing a colocation provider for your servers is not a piece of cake, there are specific provisions to consider and it is usually costly if you think of moving later on. Below are 10 tricks on things to work on the process of finding the right colocation data center. 1. Verify whether the colocation provider has the certifications for their data center, for instance being PCI compliant, SAS 70 audited or tier 4 certified. Ascertain whether you need or your customers require these certifications or others. 2. Ensure that the facility either has enough capacity available or room to extend, so you are not forced to move later on if the facility fills up. 3. Verify the colocation providers online reputation by Googling them and skimming industry blogs and forums, which will also disclose whether they have had massive outage problems or anything like that. 4. Make certain that the data center is carrier neutral and carries an exclusive selection of carri...